Small Business Loans: Bank Loans On The Rise
It appears as if banks are loosening their grip on those small business loans, at last. At one point, just getting a mortgage loan was nearly impossible, but now it is getting easier, leading to the hope that the economy might just be ‘on the mend’.
It happened to Laura Benson, a small business owner, who unexpectedly got an increase in her business credit line via email from her bank.
“They just gave me the $7,000, without my asking,” Benson says. “Omigosh, just when I needed it.”
Another increase came from Wells Fargo, which was a pleasant surprise to Jeanne Beatrice, who was previously rejected for an increase request she made due to a slow sales period for her online basket business. At the time, the bank said the St. Paul, MN company didn’t have enough of a payment history on her loan. Six months later the good news came.
It appears the grip of fear is clearing, and bankers are lending again and small businesses are finding it much easier to get their loans and credit line increases. Banks are even courting company owners and giving them easier terms. Still, it isn’t up to the pre-recession years, especially when a business is young or considered risky. But post-recession lending is up, a hopeful sign for the economy because small businesses that borrow may be willing to expand and hire.
The evidence is piling up, as banks had huge numbers, $287 billion, in outstanding loans to small businesses in Dec, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Then in January, the money loaned to small businesses by banks, independent commercial finance companies and corporations, increased by four percent from last year, Thompson Reuters and PayNet indicated.
And, to add more evidence, Andrew Slattery, who owns 26 Valvoline Instant Oil Change franchises in both Carolinas did get loans for initial location purchases, but he also had to go through about 20 rejections. Banks are now making him offers of increases and he is finding it easier, and the requirements have eased up a bit.
“The turnaround time is faster. It used to take seven or eight months, where now it’s two or three months,” says Slattery, who just closed on a $10 million loan to refinance some of his locations.
Lisa Stevens, head of Wells Fargo small business banking in San Francisco, says that companies sales and cash flow are improving, and so are balance sheets, making it easier to offer them credit line increases when the business owner is in a better position to handle the debt.
In all, it is easier for established businesses to get loans and increases, however, for new businesses – you’ll still need to show that the debt isn’t going to put you into the red, and that your business has a promising financial future.
Image via Wikimedia Commons
Pinterest Just Made Shopping Easier
Pinterest has launched a new “Gifts” feed among the rest of its categories. The feed is meant specifically to get products that are actually for sale in front of users.The company calls it a “work-in-progress,” so we’ll likely see additional features launched in the future. Some personalization would certainly help. Considering Pinterest’s recently launched “Interests” feature, that doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch.The Gifts feed shows only Product Pins, which show details like pricing, availability, and where to buy the item.

“So far, we’ve learned that Product Pins get higher click-through rates than regular Pins and make your brand more visible because of the logo on the Pin,” says Pinterest’s Kevin Knight on the company’s business blog. “Pinners also get email notifications when Product Pins they’ve saved drop in price.”That’s a nice feature for everyone involved.“The Gifts feed also includes a few price filters so you can find something for every budget,” Knight adds. “$$$$ means the price is greater than $200, $$$ means the price is between $50-$200, $$ means the price is from $25 to $50 and $ is anything less than that.”Businesses hoping to have their products actually show up in the Gifts feed must be taking advantage of Rich Pins, which you can learn more about here.